Sub Tests:
1. LDL Cholestrol
2. Total Cholestrol
3. HDL Cholestrol
4. Non – HDL Cholestrol
5. Triglycerides
6. VLDl Cholestrol
7. LDL / HDL Ratio
8. TC / HDL Cholestrol Ratio
It helps in knowing the risk related to cardiovascular disease with your body. There are various reasons doctors suggest this test for knowing your body cholesterol level, to monitor your body’s response to treatment. High cholesterol levels lead to various life-threatening diseases, so it’s essential to get tested if you are facing any symptoms. High risks include high-level cholesterol for various reasons like age, smoking and drinking habits, obesity and high blood pressure. In this type of test, you need to do fasting for 10-12 hours before a test. It helps in providing accurate results. We do this test procedure carefully with accurate results, and you can contact us for any information needed.
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